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The Student News Site of Oregon State University



The Student News Site of Oregon State University


In this card model, Sharona, wears a sapphire indigo Worthingotn and St. John outfit, entirely from hand-me-downs or $1 roadside finds, paired with a white vintage leather Commit jacket. Carrying only the knapsack on her staff.The inspiration for this photo was promoted by the International Women’s Day (IWD) 2020 theme: "I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights.” The beautiful and mighty goddess, Venus, reflects the color of IWD. Purple Indigo, symbolises dignity and justice, the core values that IWD aims to achieve for all women across the world.


Director and writer: Jessica Thompson Photographer: Jade Webster
November 30, 2020
Tenen states his music is inspired by his emotions on a daily basis, what he is mentally channeling. 

Artist Feature: Tenen and Arii Mas

By Jessica Thompson, Contributing Director Photography by Jon Hopper
September 7, 2020
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