Blogger/Instagramer: Steve Booker

Simone Wilson


A few years ago my younger sister went through a phase of slight obsession with YouTube vloggers. Although I wasn’t as dedicated to sitting at the computer for as long as she was, it opened us both up to a new world where young creatives went through their days documenting and sharing every second of their lives. My sister started following, rather religiously, a small group of male vloggers based out of the UK—Louis Cole of “Fun for Louie,” Ben Brown of “Mr. Ben Brown,” and Will Darbyshire to name a few. Among this community of friends was Steve Booker, a young photographer, fashion enthusiast, and recipient of Company Magazine’s Best Male Style Blog award in 2014.

This honor came as no surprise seeing as a quick Google search of his blog transports you to an overwhelmingly satisfying website. Booker’s crisp and simple blog imitates his personal style well while also highlighting travel, food and drink, design, and “other bits.”


His British accent and charming personality alone are enough incentive to take a few minutes to scroll through his space, but I can’t promise you won’t fall into a slight obsession yourself.


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