Would You Dare to Wear?

As the weather changes, so are the fashion trends. Here are five fall trends we thought were pretty risky. Would you have the courage to rock these statement pieces?

Showing Your Emoji-

So we get that emojis are a big deal, I mean how else are we going to show our excitement over text?! But, is putting them on clothes and accessories too far?

Hear Me Out-

As big hoops make a strong come back we are starting to see all earrings become bigger….and bigger… and bigger…


Just Barely Jeans-

Jeans, except made from see-through plastic, here’s what we’re wondering, what do we wear under them?

Lip Extensions-

Here’s the newest version of The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge! Simply blend lipstick around the edge of your mouth. Sorry Kylie, no lip liner needed.


– Rachel Hogan

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